A Kindness
I remember the cold of Minnesota. We lived three miles outside of town most of our childhood and would find creative ways to pass the time. Blazing trails on the acres and acres of forest - canoeing the lake - building uncertain swings into the pond - our ways to avoid monotony did more than that. In the cold months, my siblings and I would spend evenings playing games and baking together in the kitchen.
I wouldn’t know until I got older what a grace we had. A gift from our parents of time spent together and boundless space.
I thought every kid baked in their spare time. I’d watch my mom as she put so much work and love into the things she made for us, and she hasn’t stopped. Homemade jelly from the grapes that hang over the lake - turtle brownies as pretty as they were delicious - the freshest homegrown salsa I’ve had to this day.
So this is where my love was planted and this is where I bake from. I want to honor the kindness given to me by my mom by expanding this passion to the people around me. To steward this fascination to show love to my city.